is a global technology company in the field of renewable energy. In collaboration with the world’s leading scientists with decades of research and development have developed the most cutting-edge disruptive technologies. These technologies will undoubtedly change the landscape of current renewable energy.


It is 100% Green Electrical Energy.

Kinetic Digital Energy

Unlike Solar which requires a large quantum of land, high initial capital costs, years of installation and commissioning process, and with only limited time per day it can produce power, our Kinetic Digital Energy can produce 1 MW of 100% Green electrical energy in a 10 Feet container. Truly disruptive. Kinetic Digital Energy comes in multiple sizes. 1 MW/Hr. in a 10 feet container is the most popular plant. We can also install Kinetic Digital energy in open land generating up to 124 MW per Hr.

World’s most efficient Hydrogen generator


Mass Scale Hydrogen generation technology is the world’s most efficient Hydrogen generator. Unlike 55 KWh of electrical power required per kg of H2 production by conventional Electrolyzers H2G requires no more than 10 KW per Kg of H2. Additionally, an optimum H2G plant can make 1 ton per hour of hydrogen. Such mass-scale H2 production with so low electrical input is truly disruptive.
H2-Technologies’s combined technologies can make the world net carbon-free in a very short time